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Behold The Big Chair


By Marlena Chavira-Medford 
The Advocate Magazine - Far North Dallas 
December 2009 

Behold, the world’s biggest patio chair. Well, technically, it’s the world’s biggest aluminum patio chair. The folks at Sunnyland Furniture Company suspect there may be a bigger wooden patio chair floating around in the world somewhere — but think it’s safe to say they’re the proud owners of the only metal variety. “That’s the story we’re sticking to until it’s proven otherwise,” jokes Brad Schweig. He’s officially “the IT guy around here,” and unofficially “the keeper of the chair,” a duty that includes keeping the 35-pound thing clean. “A couple of weeks ago I had to haul it to the carwash and hose it down. It’s not easy caring for this chair.” The more than 6-foot tall model is a reproduction of an actual chair designed by Paul Brown of Brown & Jordan. “It was placed here on loan for a display, and more than 15 years later, it wound up never leaving.” In that time, it’s earned quite a reputation. “We don’t market this chair, so I suppose people just hear about it through the grapevine. We always get a kick out of it when people call to ask how much admission is to see the chair.” The answer, of course, is that you can see the chair for free anytime the store is open. “This chair is here for everyone to come see and enjoy; and the way we see it, it’s just one more thing to make us unique.” 

Sunnyland Patio Furniture is located at the northwest corner of Spring Valley and Coit, and open Sundays, noon-5 p.m., Mondays and Thursdays 9 a.m.-7 p.m., and all other days 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 

Sunnyland Furniture - Dallas / Fort Worth's Outdoor Casual Furniture Superstore | 7879 Spring Valley Road Dallas, TX 75254 | 972-239-3716
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