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Tasty Dallas BBQ Event Returns Sunday


BBQ competitions don’t tend to raise eyebrows in Dallas-Fort Worth, unless they’re spectacularly different, but an upcoming meat fest is screaming “vive la difference” this Sunday. The Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship is an ode to barbecue and outstanding pitmasters with a twist: they all keep kosher. Which means what?

[Dallas BBQ Festival Keeps Things Kosher |]

No meat smoking on the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday), all food prep and cooking instruments certified by Dallas Kosher and, of course, no pork on the barbie, or anywhere on the menu. In fact, not only will smokers and utensils be provided, but spices, condiments and the four competition meats — turkey, brisket, beef ribs and chicken — will be provided to make sure dietary laws are adhered to.

That said, don’t think this fest will be light on amazing traditional ‘cue: It’s been sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society, so amid the Kosher regulations, the result will still be legit barbecue, with prizes and honors going to the best of the best.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, the daylong festival will gather about 12 teams to compete for best barbecue, with a couple thousand visitors expected to stream through. In addition to the BBQ, there’ll be music, food demos, a kiddie recreation area and hot dog and pickle-eating contests, to boot. The fest is happening in the parking lot of Sunnyland Furniture in North Dallas, and free admission (food will be available to purchase) includes parking aplenty. The event is brought to you by the Men’s Club of Congregation Beth Torah and proceeds will benefit the synagogue CHAI, Community Homes for Adults, Inc.

Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship

What: A barbecue match-up in which the meats conform to kosher dietary laws … and basic BBQ standards of deliciousness.
Where: Sunnyland Furniture, 7879 Spring Valley Road, Dallas
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 30
Cost: Free admission; food is available for purchase

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