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IPE Aftercare Kit

IPE Aftercare Kit

Product SKU : JENS 81000 (6000) IPE AFTERCARE KIT
Product Status: Available
Weight :
On Display : Dallas (Showroom, Warehouse, and Clearance Center),Frisco
$ 179.00
Mfg Internet Advertised Price :
$ 134.25
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  • Product Info

If you want to preserve the original color…

Ipé is naturally a uniform brown color. Keep in mind that the original color of all woods will gray out with time when placed outdoors and exposed to ultra violet rays (UV). This is a function of UV light bleaching the wood over time.

If you want to preserve the original color of our Ipé, we recommend using the Ipé Aftercare Kit.

This 2-step kit contains a packet of Penofin Pro-Tech Brightener and a quart can of Penofin Verde Oil Finish (this is enough finish to cover approximate 60-120 square feet of wood surface, or the equivalent of 1-2 Amber Beechworth sets). 

BEWARE TO DISPOSE OF OILY RAGS PROPERLY To avoid spontaneous combustion follow rag disposal instructions on back of bottle.

The kit is intended for furniture that has been slightly grayed-out in the weather, and will effectively treat the wood surface and restore the original color.

Please note: the Ipé Aftercare Kit should only be used after the original finish begins to lighten in color (after approximately 2-3 months of outdoor exposure depending on your local weather conditions).

Sunnyland Furniture - Dallas / Fort Worth's Outdoor Casual Furniture Superstore | 7879 Spring Valley Road Dallas, TX 75254 | 972-239-3716
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